Wednesday, April 5, 2023

What is best in life?


Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?

Mongol: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.

Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

Mongol General: That is good! That is good.


The quote above is a memorable exchange from the 1982 film "Conan the Barbarian," in which a Mongol General asks his soldiers what is best in life. One of his soldiers responds with a poetic description of the natural world, but the general is unsatisfied with this answer and turns to Conan, the film's protagonist, for his opinion.

Conan's response is both brutal and primal, emphasizing the importance of power and dominance over one's enemies. He suggests that the ultimate goal in life is not to enjoy peaceful pleasures or appreciate the beauty of nature, but to conquer and destroy one's adversaries.

While this sentiment may seem barbaric and disturbing to some, it reflects a common theme in many human cultures throughout history. The idea that strength, aggression, and domination are key virtues has been glorified in many myths, legends, and works of literature. It speaks to a fundamental desire in many individuals to achieve power and control over their environment, whether that means defeating enemies on the battlefield or succeeding in business or politics.

However, it is worth noting that this worldview is not necessarily universal or uncontested. Many cultures place greater value on compassion, cooperation, and empathy as virtues to be admired and cultivated. And while there may be moments in life when the desire to crush one's enemies is tempting, it is important to remember that violence and aggression often have long-term consequences that can be damaging to both individuals and societies.

In the end, the question of what is best in life is a deeply personal one, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Some people may find meaning and fulfillment in the pursuit of power and domination, while others may find more joy in simple pleasures like spending time with loved ones, exploring the natural world, or pursuing creative endeavors. Ultimately, the key is to find what brings you the most happiness and purpose in life, and to pursue it with passion and dedication.

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