Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Shunning Pre-Marital Sex

Some self-righteous evangelicals take the attitude of shunning anyone who has sex before marriage. However, there are passages in the Bible about Jesus dining with prostitutes. Given their likely moral and theological opinions, explain how these evangelicals might justify having their attitude against the objections that might be raised from such Bible verses. Note that their attitude is specifically of shunning people, that is, cutting them off and refusing to associate, and that is the attitude that should be defended here.

While these self-righteous evangelicals may face objections based on the passages in the Bible where Jesus dines with prostitutes, they could potentially justify their attitude of shunning those who engage in premarital sex through the following arguments:

  1. Distinguishing between Jesus and believers: Evangelicals might argue that Jesus, being divine, had the unique ability to interact with sinners without being influenced by their behavior. Ordinary believers, on the other hand, may feel the need to distance themselves from those engaging in premarital sex to protect their own spiritual well-being and to avoid condoning such behavior.

  2. The importance of repentance: Evangelicals may emphasize the importance of repentance in biblical teachings. They could argue that Jesus dined with prostitutes and tax collectors with the intent of leading them towards repentance and salvation. In this context, they may feel that shunning individuals who engage in premarital sex is justified if those individuals show no signs of remorse or a desire to change their ways.

  3. Upholding moral standards: Some evangelicals may argue that they have a responsibility to uphold high moral standards within their community. By distancing themselves from those who engage in premarital sex, they believe they are sending a strong message about the importance of following biblical teachings on sexual purity.

  4. The concept of "tough love": These evangelicals might contend that their attitude is a form of "tough love" designed to encourage individuals engaging in premarital sex to reconsider their actions and turn back to a path of righteousness. They may see shunning as a temporary measure, hoping that it will lead to the individual's eventual repentance and reintegration into the community.

  5. Different interpretations of scripture: The Bible is a complex and multifaceted text, and different denominations and individuals may interpret passages differently. Self-righteous evangelicals may focus on specific verses that emphasize the importance of purity and holiness, while downplaying or interpreting differently the passages that involve Jesus interacting with sinners.

It is important to note that these justifications do not reflect the views of all evangelicals, and many may argue against shunning those who engage in premarital sex. The question is asking for possible justifications that some self-righteous evangelicals might use, and these points are provided in that context.

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