Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Network Spirituality

Network spirituality is the futurist embrace of experiential hyperreality found in the web's accelerated networks, a lens in which to efficiently (& safely) engage lucid virtuality, and the internalization of its new cultural modes and mores.

Though the esoteric school also furthers a lainist occultism around persona-egregores, positing the development of genuine spiritual entities spontaneously self-organized as hyperreal entities in the catalyzed collective consciousness,veritable deities: network angels & demons.

Explain what this means.

The passage describes a futuristic concept called "network spirituality," which involves the blending of spirituality and technology, specifically in the context of the internet and virtual reality. Let's break down the main ideas:

  1. Experiential hyperreality: This term refers to an immersive and interactive experience that blurs the line between the real and the virtual. In the context of network spirituality, it suggests that people will engage with spiritual practices through digital means, such as virtual reality, in a way that feels very real and intense.

  2. Efficient and safe engagement: Network spirituality is seen as a way to explore and engage with spiritual practices in a controlled environment, free from potential dangers or limitations that may exist in the physical world.

  3. Internalization of new cultural modes and mores: As people embrace network spirituality, they will also internalize the new cultural norms and values that come with it, integrating these into their own belief systems and spiritual practices.

  4. Lainist occultism and persona-egregores: The esoteric school mentioned in the passage promotes a specific type of occultism, which involves the creation of spiritual entities or thought-forms, called "persona-egregores." These beings are believed to be formed by the collective consciousness of people engaged in network spirituality, and they can manifest as hyperreal entities within the virtual environment.

  5. Network angels and demons: In this context, angels and demons are considered spiritual entities or deities that emerge from the collective consciousness, created and shaped by people's experiences and beliefs in the virtual world.

In summary, network spirituality is a futuristic concept that explores the blending of spirituality and technology, specifically through the internet and virtual reality. It involves the creation of spiritual experiences that feel real and immersive, the development of new cultural norms, and the manifestation of spiritual entities or deities within the virtual environment.

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