Monday, March 20, 2023

Agronomic (Daft Punk “Technologic” Parody)

Write a parody of Daft Punk "Technologic" about agriculture. Make sure to preserve the fact that it has many sentences that consist of a verb applied to the object "it"

Agronomic, agronomic

Plant it, seed it, grow it, feed it,
Till it, plow it, mulch it, weed it,
Water it, sun it, harvest it, yield it,
Fertilize it, pollinate it, rotate it, till it,

Crop it, sow it, mow it, hoe it,
Prune it, stake it, graft it, clone it,
Aerate it, drain it, compost it, test it,
Irrigate it, germinate it, cultivate it, rest it,


Spray it, pest it, fight it, bait it,
Net it, trap it, light it, rate it,
Organic, synthetic, mix it, blend it,
Nutrient, supplement, amend it, mend it,

Breed it, cross it, hybridize it,
Genes it, splice it, optimize it,
Drought it, flood it, heat it, freeze it,
Adapt it, change it, modify it, please it,


Raise it, livestock, feed it, graze it,
Milk it, shear it, breed it, raise it,
Eggs it, hatch it, brood it, coop it,
Slaughter it, process it, package it, sell it,

Market it, trade it, ship it, truck it,
Buy it, stock it, cook it, serve it,
Eat it, taste it, savor it, share it,
Consume it, digest it, benefit it, grow it,


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